
On this page, we collected messages and ran a climate emergency declaration petition to Geelong Councillors. It was closed and handed over to the Geelong Council on 19 August 2019.

However, since the Councillors rejected declaring a climate emergency, you can still sign petitions to Geelong councillors, if you haven’t already. Two are still up and running on and on

Geelong Council petitions – still running

Status on 13 October 2019:

942 have signed our petition to City of Greater Geelong Council. Let’s get to 1,000!

727 have signed Greenpeace’s Breakfree from Fossil Fuels petition to City of Greater Geelong Council. Let’s get to 1,000!

Petitioning Geelong Council on 19 August 2019

To the City of Greater Geelong Council,

Given that climate impacts are already causing serious loss of life and destroying vital ecosystems, global average temperature, atmospheric greenhouse gases, and ocean acidity are already at dangerous levels, and wartime economic mobilisations have proven how quickly nations can restructure their economies when facing an extreme threat, it is inexcusable to continue with climate-damaging policies that put us all in even greater peril.

We ask of our councillors to implement a municipality-wide climate emergency response, which involves to…

• Publicly acknowledge the climate emergency

• Review the Council’s strategic plan

• Create a foundation for climate emergency action

• Implement a climate emergency plan

We’ve risen to big challenges in the past when an emergency has been declared, with citizens and all sides of politics rising to the occasion and working together for the common good. We have all the resources and ability to overcome the climate emergency, we are only lacking two things: political will and the number of people to change that political will.

We call on you to do what is necessary now.

Sign petition

This petition was signed by 272 people who wrote the following 211 messages to the Geelong Councillors:

211 Replies to “Petition”

  1. Please Councillors, We are in a climate emergency. If we keep going the way we are going, our future will not be what it is today – and not for the good. I’m not saying to spend our entire budget on climate science but instead declare climate emergency, be one of the largest cities to declare it and help save the country and city that we all love.

  2. We need urgent action to address the climate crisis and it’s Council’s responsibility to take the lead on this. Show leadership to the community. It’s more than just cutting Council emissions. You and we need to act urgently to cut GHG emissions everywhere in the city and prepare for climate impacts now. And we need to start protecting our natural ecosystems urgently before we lose all our insects and other species we rely on for survival.

  3. Please declare a climate emergency. One of the steps in tackling climate change and all the serious consequences that comes with it is by acknowledging the problem and the need for urgent action to overcome and plan.

    We need the leaders in our community to stand up and do what we can as a community to build a future for my generation and ones to come.

  4. Please declare a Climate Emergency!
    You have been chosen to listen to the people of Geelong, and many people from this area love the natural wonders and want to keep them safe.
    Please help us.

  5. Tell the truth so we can get our priorities right. It’s a Climate Emergency and we need Emergency action

  6. Dear Councillors,
    I would like to bring to your attention a climate emergency. The science is there, this has been proven. The world knows we’re at a tipping point at this present time of 2 degrees. Our politicians have their heads buried in the sand, especially with the current LNP government. The politicians are not listening, though the people are. And it’s time the Geelong City Council started to listen too. Please start listening to the people of Geelong who elected you
    Kind Regards, James Bush. Belmont, Geelong.

  7. How can anyone deny that our country is not ok?
    Think of the future; and future generations. Extinction is forever.
    No-one can live or survive on a dead planet
    It’s time to act on climate emergency.

  8. Please discourage any intensive animal agriculture in our region. It uses enormous amounts of water and methane given off by ruminants is a very potent greenhouse gas. We have low lying areas which are already being inundated with higher water levels.

  9. Climate change needs to be taken seriously…NOW! We need to declare a climate emergency and take urgent steps to repair/lessen the damage. I don’t want my children and future generations to live in a world ruined by ignorance and lack of action.

  10. We are in a climate crisis and the newly re elected federal government needs pressure! Act now!!!

  11. In the last 6 months, we have received reports from reputable groups in:
    – Biodiversity
    – The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
    – Health
    – Economics
    – Agriculture
    – Justice
    and others saying that if we want our earth to be habitable, we must take action right now to stop emitting carbon into our atmosphere and start drawing it down.
    To achieve that we need to acknowledge that we do face a climate emergency.
    If this is accompanied by a well defined set of actions & acknowledgement that we have all that we need to face up to this emergency, people won’t be paralysed by fear.
    It’s council’s opportunity to show true leadership on climate to its constituents and honours its duty of care.
    It will be joining a world wide movement of local government authorities which currently consists of in excess of 550 that represent more than 65 million people.

  12. It would be wonderful to see Geelong join the hundreds of other councils around the world doing the right thing to acknowledge and enact change for this very vulnerable area.

    We need to accept and deal with the climate emergency. Local government is perhaps more important than state or federal.

    We must make plans to encourage, indeed legislate about waste, especially landfill and growth, smaller more sustainable houses that do not use good arable land. Green areas for wildlife, which we cannot live without. Sea level rises need to be calculated and worked with, not ignored. We need community solar power for everyone, not just those that can afford or have the right shaped roof. We need local food. I could go on and have probably forgotten important issues.

  13. I urge you to tell the public in this municipality the truth and declare a climate emergency so that council will get on with planning an emergency response.

    There are hundreds of councils globally who have done this now.

    We are heading for extinction unless we do something immediately as the earth is already too hot and we are seeing ecosystems breaking down.

  14. The children all over the world are striking, nonviolently protesting about this!

    The first Climate Emergency Declaration in the World was signed in Darebin City Council in September 2018. This is who has followed: Australian Capital Territory, London City, UK, Ireland, Wales, 15 + Australian Councils, 150 + councils around the world.

    I call on Geelong City Council and Surf Coast Council to Declare a Climate Emergency, and do what it takes to save our climate, including teaming up with a community group to advise on what needs to be done.

  15. Climate Change has no boundaries such as council districts. It effects our whole biosphere and should be treated as a serious threat to our health and many other species.

  16. The human race is in the midst of a ever worsening climate and ecological emergency, nothing short of an existential crisis, please respond accordingly.

  17. We can choose inaction or inadequate action and lead humanity down the path of chaos and catastrophe within my lifetime.

    Our atmosphere is the temperature control and contains the air we need to breathe. If we damage it enough, it will be too hot, and we will not be able to breathe.

    Our planet is our house, our kitchen, our wardrobe. It provides our clothes, our food our resources. Inaction or inadequate action on the climate emergency will lead to civil and international wars due to these resources being limited and this will happen within my lifetime.

    I’m not here to sugar coat it, Climate Emergency mobilisation will take a lot of time, money, effort and collaboration but the diagnosis is clear. And right now, treatment is available.

    We have all the capability and resources to address the Climate Emergency while maintaining and improving social peace, prosperity and equity.

    That is the truth at this point in time, but I don’t know if I can say the same thing in ten years.

    We can choose inaction and therefore catastrophe, or we can choose action, which will be challenging and we will have to be brave and it will result in prosperity and sustainability.

  18. With the beautiful coastal environment we have in Geelong we are going to be substantially affected by climate change. Action on climate change must be taken at all levels and our council must declare a climate emergency to implement the urgent changes required.

  19. I am so concerned about the future of our planet for our grandchildren. I’m willing to pay higher taxes and energy prices now if it helps direct energy where it needs to go.

  20. The correlation between global CO2 emissions and global GDP is almost perfect. We need to plan now for a world beyond the growth economy. Only then, will climate change be addressed in any serious way.

  21. The climate emergency will affect the whole world. There will be climate wars in the next couple of decades. Please take action against climate change and in particular do not approve intensive animal agriculture which is one of the major causes of global warming.

  22. The world should have started action in reducing emissions 30 years ago. We haven’t, so we’re in this emergency situation. We must all state telling the scientific truth about this crisis, then ACT.

  23. This issue shouldnt be political. It is much too urgent to be subject to party politics, in fact any politics, it’s a moral human issue . Without the plant no humans!!!!!!

  24. Hi I’m siriusly concerned about clament change , so I imploring the Geelong council to declining the state of Emergency on Clament , as we need to make changes to have any possibility to curb the distractive spiral we are creating ! Making action to curb clament change it’s a paramount and now it’s the time ! Making changes to control the negative impact that clament change bringing on are community , can save money on the surt time and on lingo terms as well !!!
    Please your responsibility it’s to lead are community of a better out come of living and Colling the state of Emergency on Clament change will be a first step to make the changes we need as community !!!

  25. Please be on the right side of history and act now! Act for all of us, we need institutional change to support and push forward individuals efforts.

  26. For too long this urgent issue has been taken too lightly
    Please do the environmentally responsible thing.

  27. The time is NOW!
    Let’s be leaders and not just follow when the pressure is on to conform and it’s too late.

    Please 🏼

  28. We need to declare a Climate Emergency to make it clear what a fire position every living thing on this planet is in.

    We need to CED and audit how we are doing things now & create an action plan to reduce CO2, drawdown and create awareness campaigns for resilient communities.

    I cannot understate how important this is to do now. We have run out of time

  29. The sooner we start acting on what is quite clearly an emergency situation, the better off we all will be!

  30. Our planet is dying.
    We have Climate Emergency!
    Therefore, we need to act accordingly and stop fossil fuels and protect the nature.

  31. I’m so frustrated by a lack of action at all levels of government. please act on the climate emergency before our kids inherit a dead planet.

  32. This has literally gone too far. Not enough is being done to protect the environment for future generations. If we don’t do something soon it’ll be too far gone to do anything about it.
    It’s SO important we take action NOW! THIS IS CRITICAL. THIS IS AN EMERGENCY

  33. The City of Greater Geelong has a great opportunity to become a true green city. Already you are doing fantastic work with the Malop St Green zone and solar power and water tanks to many COGG buildings. It would be fantastic if you made this a priority with all council property and also planning decisions. Rather than allowing developers to continue to subsume farming land with miles of cheap and nasty housing, make developers take more responsibility for transport infrastructure and green development. Lead the way with the new city precinct with edible green walls and rooftops. The big issue in the future will be a lack of biodiversity and water resulting in a lack of food. Green belts enable water.

  34. The longer we wait, the harder we make it for our children. Please help by acting for the world we live in.

  35. The world-wide response to potentially catastrophic human-induced climate change has been either outright denial or timid and indecisive commitment by most national governments to slowing and halting carbon emissions.

    The time to act is now – as a rapidly growing bottom-up movement around Australia, and around the world, testifies. There are now hundreds of cities, a number of states, and now a national government (UK) that have declared a climate emergency.

    This opens up the way for elected community leaders to engage their communities in a focused and widely shared commitment – to first acknowledge that we are facing a critical issue, and then to mobilise the community all of us – to start taking immediate action.

  36. Can we please have action, no greenwashing or empty conversations. We need positive, tangible and inclusive action. What a great opportunity to be a leader in Australia, inspiring other councils to act!

  37. Implement change now please!
    We are all willing and able to facilitate change now, this must happen before our world is ruined for ever.

    “Right now, we have a choice: discomfort today or destruction tomorrow. I think I know what we’ll decide, and I hope I’m wrong”. Swannie Morgan

  38. The people living within the CoGG and the council itself will be substantially affected by climate change and as a ratepayer I want the council to be as ready as possible. Early preparation will be the key to avoiding huge costs.

    How do you want you legacy remembered?

  39. Climate change is real we must do our part to alleviate this dire situation for the planet.

  40. the more that join quickly the better..ACTION & ENCOURAGEMENT from Govt badly needed! THANKYOU!

  41. Taking action on climate change has many advantages: it will generate many thousands of jobs in renewable energy, such as in manufacturing, installation, export markets. Europe is now moving to a circular economy, whereby no non-recyclable plastics will be used. Packaging and products are being redesigned to be able to be re-used and have another life after they have become damaged or out of date for any reason. Take note: So-called Waste-to-Energy is also being pushed out of existence in Europe, Britain and the USA, as high temperature incineration prevents the recycling of products at the end of their useful life. In fact incineration produces large amounts of greenhouse gas and has over the years been proven to pollute the air, soil, and the food chain with dioxins and furans and other toxic substances. The incineration industry covered up emissions for years, but the pollution was eventually revealed. It is disturbing that this industry, which has shown itself to also be uneconomic and extremely expensive, requiring large inputs from government in order to keep going, is now being viewed favourably by local and state governments in Australia. The so-called educational workshops for municipal decision makers were not balanced by input from scientists from outside the industry who would have alerted municipalities to the problems of what the Europeans call “Waste OF Energy” technology. As we will need another seven planets if we continue to either land fill or burn resources instead of developing a real circular economy, then we will not only continue to pollute our environment but will add substantial amounts of C02 to the atmosphere.

  42. The climate crisis is happening now. It is not a problem for the Federal or State governments. It is a problem for each of us. I urge the councillors to consider the requests of this petition and act swiftly in the best interests of the people of Geelong. Our city and its residents depend on climate security for our future.

  43. Stop burying your heads in the stand and get behind working to minimise the issues climate change will reek on our Earth

  44. The climate emergency is so serious that action is required immediately.
    Please take action before it is too late.

  45. Such a declaration would inform people of the urgency of climate action and galvanise into action those who are fully aware but were waiting for a community action opportunity. the Council should be leading the way, but a declaration should be accompanied by a meaningful plan of action including the role of communities.

  46. Please listen to our voices. We know the facts and we are awake to the dangers and think of the children being born now and their future. We all need to act now.

  47. The community demands you take climate change seriously and declare a climate emergency, so your policies and consequent actions reflect the urgency of the issues we face.

  48. Please acknowledge the climate emergency now so we can work together as a community to ensure a just transition in Geelong to a low carbon, sustainable future. I am particularly concerned about my children’s future, especially for my son who lives with disability and would be poorly equipped to adapt to the breakdown of society in the very real possibility of ecological collapse.

  49. In the 80s the scientists told us the facts about the ozone layer depletion… they won a Nobel prize for their discovery. The global community came together and banned CFCs by law. The ozone layer is now healing as a result of this global action. The world’s scientists have spoken up again. We have 12 years to reverse our CO2 levels. The federal government is lying that we will meet our Paris Climate targets. We need to step up where they won’t pull their weight. Help! Declare a climate emergency and help stop Geelong City CO2 levels. Every…bit…helps! It shows the federal government we will not be taken for fools, that we can come up with independent and intelligent plans to transition jobs from fossil fuels to renewable energy jobs. It’s time.

  50. Lets make sure there is a future for our children and their children make the changes now!

  51. I beg you, heed to the warnings and the evidence on Climate Change. Help spread the message and lead the way in preventing the most enormous crisis of our age, our own existence. Please declare a Climate Emergency and start taking the steps to get Carbon Emissions to net zero by 2025. I do not want my children to suffer because of our mistakes. Thank you.

  52. We’re already do late to this story. Yet the time is still now, and now, and now again. Maybe we truly can create a safer future for our children and their’s to come. We must start now.

  53. Given that climate impacts are already causing serious loss of life and destroying vital ecosystems, global average temperature, atmospheric greenhouse gases, and ocean acidity are already at dangerous levels, and wartime economic mobilisations have proven how quickly nations can restructure their economies when facing an extreme threat, it is inexcusable to continue with climate-damaging policies that put us all in even greater peril.

  54. Dear Councillors,
    For the sake of future generations, climate change needs to be taken seriously. So much is as stake, our environment, our quality of life and the deminishing animal species. Please be strong leaders and act on this. Let’s put Geelong on the map and show the rest of Australia and the world how it’s done.
    Thank you.

  55. Fearful of what the future will look like for my kids. A pro active Council that recognises that their is a climate emergency gives me faith for the future

  56. This is not an issue can be ignored. To do nothing is to condone the actions that have brought about and continue to bring about the extinction of so many different flora and fauna species that sustain life. None of us are exempt from the consequences of inaction.

  57. I just read an article about Sweden having literally no rubbish due to their recycling scheme. Why are we so behind in this???? I constantly collect rubbish on my walks and my daughter is meeting with her principal in regard to improving the way we do things. Something has to change, l have grave fears for the future

  58. There is still a window to act and overcome this climate emergency.
    I don’t understand why action hasn’t been taken on a world wide scale.

  59. It is about time you actually listened and walked the talk instead of pretending to listen and then just playing lip service. If you actually care about more than your own back pocket (then again no environment no way to cash in right) and the world we want to leave for future generations then please take action instead of pretending to. Green wash is no longer acceptable and Geelong as an opportunity to actually embrace green technology and not just have slogan that is nothing more than a catch phrase, which currrently is all that it is.

  60. Our kids deserve to live and breathe in the environment we took for grated. There are no jobs on a dead planet

  61. We need to act on Climate Change now. Please support the request to declare a Climate emergency – we need our local council to help solve the problems caused by climate change and to provide leadership on this issue. Thank you.

  62. Even if you dont believe in climate change, we can still be as environmentally conscious as we can and care for earth and our environment as much as possible.

  63. We are facing extinction if we don’t get our house in order re emissions and biodiversity losses asap. Please take this declaration very seriously and provide leadership to your community. Your grandchildren will thank you for it.

  64. It’s not rocket science. Put in the money and the effort to address this emergency and do it now. We can’t wait any longer.

  65. Please declare a climate emergency! Is it not enough that millions of species are at risk of mass extinction? What hope of a future do our children have? This cannot go on, the time to take action is now.

  66. We must act now. Please declare a climate emergency and take urgent action on all possible fronts.

  67. There is ample evidence that we are in the beginning of a climate crisis and the Surf Coast is going to be one of the severely hit areas in Australia.

    Any significant rise in sea levels is going to be catastrophic for so many of the residents of this area. Ask yourself:
    What will even only a one metre sea rise do to so many current and future developments along our coast?
    How much of the beautiful scenery that feeds the tourism industry will be destroyed?
    How much will these changes and more cost our community in the future?

    The city of Greater Geelong has the opportunity to not only protect its ratepayers and tourism but also to be a leader in the change that so many in your community want and need. The best time to act is yesterday but today is the best we can do.

  68. I consider, as a coastal community, Geelong may be negatively impacted by climate change. A rise in the sea level may have serious consequences for Geelong, impacting on residential land and property values, Geelong based businesses and local tourism. Climate change, with changes to traditional seasonal weather patterns, is likely to negatively impact upon the Geelong area rural and farming community. I therefore believe that we will be facing, and sooner than many expect, a climate emergency, and call upon Geelong council tact proactively in the face of this situation. With fond Regards, Jacqueline Fletcher.

  69. I admire anyone that takes on a public leader role in this day and age. The world is running at pace .young people think this is normal…it’s not normal to have everything changing underneath us on such a regular basis.. Technology has done more damage than good I believe ..We have separated ourselves from Nature ..and this makes us sick,.,it has made society sick…Nature teaches us…Unfortunately more humans less other species and less nature ..we must rectify this…Less humans ,more humanity..

  70. We are in a climate emergency. Please do everything you can to help avoid climactic disaster. Please show the Federal government that steps can be taken right now and should be taken immediately.

  71. Listen to our youth, they understand the science and its implications for their future. If we do not respond effectively to this wicked challenge, we will go down in history as the selfish generation that committed inter-generational theft.

  72. In the absence of federal government action on climate change we need local governments to take lead. Action must be taken now to head off the next great extinction and the collapse of our society. We are relying on your leadership.

  73. Please implement the Climate Emergency plan as soon as possible. We need ideas that use Project Drawdown ideas.

  74. Please help create programs for people to help with working towards climate change action.

    We ask of our councellers to implement a municipality-wide climate emergency response, which involves to…

    • Publicly acknowledge the climate emergency

    • Review the Council’s strategic plan

    • Create a foundation for climate emergency action

    • Implement a climate emergency plan


    I.Emily Barton

  75. We have science based evidence telling us that we have only 11 years to transform society and mitigate climate change, or catastrophic consequences are very likely. Including possible extinction. We must act NOW – declare the climate emergency that we are in!

  76. Im tired of walking down by eastern beach and watching the litter float around in the water. This is just one small area threatening the environment. Please act now with the rest of the world and leave a true legacy you can be proud of.

  77. Listen up Geelong. Every local shire and council in Australia will face horrendous climate impacts if we continue to ignore climate change and what is causing it: us and our passion for materialism and business as usual.

    Only community mobilisation, through acceptance that we face a climate emergency, will force state and federal governments to implement policies that might yet save society from the worst of the impacts.

    As an elder who knows the science, and accepts the existential threat that we face, I urge you to join the growing number of cities and shires that have already declared a CLIMATE EMERGENCY.

    The time for pussyfooting around climate change is over. The science is absolute. Unless we take emergency action right now life on Earth is cooked. Ended. Kaput!

    Sincerely, David

  78. I request Geelong Council to immediately declare a CLIMATE EMERGENCY and announce and implement a Climate Plan to secure a safe future for future generations.

    Please immediately present a strategy to the community to articulate the changes we must put in place to ensure a better life for the ecosystems and other species we share the planet with.

  79. I’m pregnant and very concerned about the world my child is being brought into. The time is now for the second biggest city of Victoria, an influential stakeholder with a genuine reliance on tourism and a thriving environment, to stand up for climate change. Please declare a climate emergency, just like Sydney, Darebin Council, Newcastle and the UK.

  80. Please take this seriously, act now and declare a climate emergency. We need to protect the beautiful place we live in and our children do not deserve the lasting implications of inaction and ignorance. Please do the right thing and make this change.

  81. The climate science is clear and factual with 97% Climate Scientists in conscensus that climate change is caused by CO2 released into the atmosphere due to fossil fuels. We have reached 415 ppm of CO2 into the atmosphere. 350ppm or below is considered a safe zone.
    Our planet is collapsing. The ice and permafrost is melting rapidly. We need rapid action investing in Renewable Energy and innovation etc.
    Please tell the truth and Declare a Climate Emergency and action the list of demands.

  82. Immediate action is imperative to protect the land and the survival of future generations.

  83. We ask of our councillors to implement a municipality-wide climate emergency response, which involves to…

    • Publicly acknowledge the climate emergency

    • Review the Council’s strategic plan

    • Create a foundation for climate emergency action

    • Implement a climate emergency plan

  84. I am concerned about the future of our climate, the environment and climate change and believe it is important for the COGG to declare a climate emergency.
    Other local councils have done this in Australia. Why can’t you?
    The Science does not lie.
    Try to look into the future and see what our children will inherit. We have benefitted from wonderful natural environments which are now being threatened by increased levels of CO2 in the atmosphere and this is changing the climate.
    Make this declaration for your kids

  85. A great responsibility to recognise the emergency that is our climate change position. I call on the council to call it as it is, ie, a climate emergency.

  86. Please act on the climate crisis we are all experiencing. It is so distressing to see this beautiful area impacted so horribly by the lack of action

  87. This is the most important issue of our generation. It will impact our future generations. I’ve always been proud to be born and raised in Geelong and I’d like to continue to be proud of this city. Please take action now and declare a climate emergency.

  88. This is an emergency. You need to work to create healthier, more resilient and sustainable local communities powered by locally generated low carbon energy, served by affordable and sustainable transport, higher quality and more efficient housing stock and fed by sustainable food and land systems.

    The future is uncertain. Act now.

  89. I call upon the City of Greater Geelong to declare a climate emergency and introduce an urgent program to commit to powering the council’s operations with renewable energy and developing a longer-term zero-carbon plan.

    I also urge that the City of Greater Geelong take urgent steps to mitigate our regions carbon emissions within our City boarders, not funding carbon offsets in areas outside of our City boundaries.

    Emergency action on climate change must be taken now, or we face the gravest threats to our local and global environment, economy and well-being.

    The City of Greater Geelong must declare a state of Climate Emergency.

    Our beaches are disappearing, our forests and dying through temperature increases and our wetlands are drying.

    The City of Greater Geelong can be proactive like so many other proactive Shires, and declare a climate emergency and then act to mitigate the damage already being caused.

    City of Greater Geelong Council:
    • Acknowledge that our planet is in a state of CLIMATE EMERGENCY
    • Take positive and realistic steps towards mitigating our regions contribution to this crisis

    Implement a municipality-wide climate emergency response, which involves to…
    • Publicly acknowledge the climate emergency
    • Review the Council’s strategic plan
    • Create a foundation for climate emergency action
    • Implement a climate emergency plan

  90. There is no denying that climate change happening. So please declare a climate emergency. For the sake of future generations, politicians need to act fast. Show the way to other councils.

  91. Please, as a young person it terrifies me to think my world is dying and the people I’m supposed to trust with my safety is doing nothing. It may not be you who will feel the effects of the climate emergency but I most certainly will. Look at Greta Thornburg and take a leaf from her book. I want you to panic.

  92. Geelong Council has a responsibility to act in the best interests of its ratepayers and residents, so action on climate is part of this responsibility.

  93. Please do everything you can to help this world be as environmentally friendly and conscious as possible

  94. Dear Councillors,

    Let us act locally by declaring a climate emergency in our region while being part of a global community movement.

    City of Greater Geelong can work together to reduce emissions and save biodiversity with local governments across Australia and throughout the world.

  95. Act now to show the next generation we care about their future. Act now to show the current generation that jobs in renewable energy are jobs in an industry with a future. Make Geelong a centre of excellence for renewable energy research and industry.

  96. Forget politics, forget ambition, forget about power just for a minute. Please declare a climate emergency, for everyone’s sake.

  97. In addition to the above measures I think it is important that Council work with and take the lead from local indigenous groups as well as the broader community to help solve the climate emergency throughout the COGC shire.

    Urgent steps need to be taken and implemented within the municipality to combat the Climate Emergency.

    The time frame for the council’s Zero Emissions Strategy needs to be significantly brought forward.

    The council’s Urban Forest Strategy needs to be made a priority and cover all of the municipality. A diverse range of native vegetation needs to be planted as a matter of urgency to compensate for the removal of such to accommodate Geelong’s rapid urban development. Our native wildlife rely on a wide range of vegetation to meet their nutritional needs.

    Council needs to implement a mandatory municipal wide Smarter Homes Smarter Living Program with a minimum requirement to be met and incentives offered to builders/owners who exceed minimum requirements – inclusive of building wide solar with storage capabilities, increased insulation (including under floor insulation), double glazing, water tanks,etc. Incentives offered to owners who retro-fit existing structures.

    Council needs to encourage sustainable and chemical free farming and agriculture practices – including cruelty free and humane operations.

    The Council needs to acknowledge the Climate Emergency as well as take action to resolve CE and educate and support the entire community to take individual and collective action.

  98. Please watch the 2040 movie together and then declare a climate emergency as the first step to serious change.

  99. As a community, we need to think about what we are creating for future generations, surely there are ways to do less damage!

  100. It is too late for talk. Urgent action needed for a more sustainable approach, from all of us. We the community are doing our bit, but we need all levels of government to act now!

  101. Agree with the science and acknowledge that we are now in a climate emergency so we can move forward as a community to make a plan of action.

  102. The evidence is everywhere that this is an issue. What do you want to be remembered for: being proactive or reactive? Leave something for your children’s children.

  103. We need Council’s leadership to address the climate emergency at every level of the community across the entire region of Greater Geelong. I never see any initiatives to address the climate emergency where I live. This must change, urgently.

  104. This is a hopeless situation for humanity. Help make Geelong a lifeboat with Natural Sequence Farming all over the place AKA Peter Andrews’ techniques which revitalise water ways and sequester carbon.

    Look a Sustainable Livestock Management and what they are doing in QLD. Properly grazed animals sequester carbon. It is fantastic.

    And with no till garden horticulture we can triple the carbon in the soil.

    These are the keys to humanity’s survival. Use them in Geelong!

  105. Please accept that climate change is real. Please be proactive and progressive in acting on this important issue. Our grandchildren will thank us.

  106. Please declare a climate emergency declaration. While I may not live in your council, it affects me as this is an issue that affects the whole world. Luckily, my local council has already declared.

  107. We are all effected by climate change.We all need to take responsibility for the state of the planet and how we leave it for the next generation.

  108. Please declare the truth – we are in a climate emergency – before it is too late! We don’t have a choice but to act and my generation shouldn’t be left alone with the burden of grief and enormous regenerative action.

  109. Geelong has the chance to lead Victoria as THE best place to live! Please consider this petition for the good of everyone. Thanks!

  110. We are on the brink of collapse. Our current way of life is not sustainable. We need radical change and we need it now, if we have any chance of preventing a sudden and catastrophic breakdown of life as we know it. With the right leadership now, we could all be guided into accepting the changes in lifestyle urgently needed. The first step needed is to declare that we are indeed, in the midst of a climate emergency.

  111. It is clear that action to arrest the rapid progress of climate change is urgently required. I call on you, as representatives of our community, to treat this issue with the seriousness it requires.

  112. Councillors, please recognise that we are now in a climate emergency. It is vital that we take immediate action, or else this planet might be lost from us forever.

  113. Dear Councillors,
    I speak on behalf of Geelong and countless citizens when I ask for your leadership, initiative and assistance towards combating global warming. Countless evidence has been provided by scientists around the world that this is a problem that if left untended will lead the world into an extraordinary state of decay never seen before in humanities lifespan, which seems to be getting shorter every day.

  114. Scientists globally warn that emissions need to be urgently reduced to hold global warming to a maximum of 1.5%. I request that we heed these warnings and take action immediately rather than delay and regret.

  115. We can’t afford to delay any longer. For the sake of your loved ones, the broader community and our planet please show leadership and integrity.

  116. Please please please please please be the best you can be, not the greediest or most cunning, that’s been done, show em who’s tough and help our planet.

  117. Please declare a climate emergency, we need you too take the leadership and show the other leaders that once one group of people take the stand and the community pushes behind them.
    We will support a decision to declare the climate emergency.

  118. Be trail blazers and declare a climate emergency. Don’t wait to follow in the path of other councils that will undoubtedly listen to and heed the scientific data – we are killing the planet! Please take drastic measures to help halt the destruction , defy corporate greed and put them last in your decision making around climate change. There is no place for financial vested interests when we are talking about the existential threat to all life on earth!

  119. As elected representatives of the people of Geelong you have a responsibility to address the climate crisis. Show leadership. Act now.

  120. Climate change must be held to a minimum. This requires a commitment from us all, as individuals, as elected representatives and as collective bodies. COGG can lend its weight as the representative of the people of Geelong and should do so.

  121. Be on the right side of history, Geelong. We have so much potential to retrofit Greater Geelong into a leader in sustainable urban and rural development. CoGG already has many plans and visions in place that are pointing us in the right direction – we just need the impetus, shift in community thinking and prioritisation of funding to ensure we reach our goals sooner, rather than later. Declare a climate emergency and begin planning for the rapid transition of our city into an eco-city that showcases the best in sustainable transport and housing, environmental protection, sustainable business operations (in all sectors), community education, waste minimisation, renewable energy and sustainable food production.

  122. We need to act as soon as possible for a climate emergency, please. Why are we still behind?

  123. Hello Councillors: For the sake of our children and grandchildren let’s work together to show Australia that here in Geelong we can all jump in to leading on the greatest challenge we have ever had – we have a climate emergency across the globe.

  124. Please act to reduce the contribution CoGG makes to climate change. Please declare a climate emergency, please stop tree clearing on subdivisions… Please be a good land manager and re vegetate with indigenous trees.. even as street trees… please eradicate woody weeds and rabbits on public land.

  125. Please have the courage to be among leading climate emergency councils: those who know that local government can and will be in the forefront of combating global heating, in the interests of making our regions and especially, our rates bases, sustainable over the next 30 years and beyond.
    Thank you
    Dr Adrian Evans.

  126. The climate crisis has no borders, it already affects many places in the world including this country. We all need urgent action. Declare a Climate Emergency and act on it now!

  127. Dear Geelong City Councillors

    Geelong is at risk of major damage to our coast and national forests and bushlands with the rapidly emerging climate crisis. I urge you to consider declaring a climate emergency and to take the lead on behalf of the community to change climate damaging policies. Geelong is one of Australia’s most significant major regional towns and is rapidly being know as the Çlever & Creative region. Tourism is a major employer for our region and will be at risk if we as a community do not take climate action now.

  128. We are in a desperate situation with the entire population of the planet under threat and THAT INCLUDES GEELONG!!!

    I expect the Geelong Councillors to do everything in their power to facilitate the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, to explore opportunities to draw down carbon from the atmosphere and to find ways to support the Geelong community to become more resilient to the unstable weather events we have been experiencing and that will quickly scale up from now on regardless of the action we take in the near future.

  129. Nobody is taking this seriously enough, and it’s an incredibly important issue that will affect all future generations.

  130. Councillors, please pay attention to what Geelong’s people are telling you. We are talking about today, about what needs to be done now, not in 10 years’ time. The emergency is here now.
    I am concerned about how climate change disrupts ecosystems vital for plants and birds and all animal life, and thereby for us.

    And in what ways do Council policies (or lack thereof) contribute to species decline and extinction? Please, have a care for the glorious world we have been given!!! And which we are slowly losing. Our environment is not an economic entity to be parcelled out to developers or taken for granted. It is our life and our future.

    And I wonder why housing ‘development’ is being allowed to spread so much when we simply do not have assured water supply for everyone. No water, no life. Not to mention the reduced quality of life especially for children in all the new houses so awfully close to each other with insufficient room for gardens and sensitive play spaces.

    Councillors, Geelong is well-placed to work in ways that offer real hope for our own area and for other regional communities.
    Just imagine what might be possible! Imagination can help nurture empathy, and both are vital to our survival. Please act now with determination, love, and appropriate policies – and ensure they are implemented!
    Thank you.

  131. I am deeply concerned about the current climate crisis and feel that action is required from all levels of government to address it. I call on you as Councillors of the City of Geelong to take a lead in addressing this issue which is paramount in the minds of many people in this region.

  132. Ride your bikes instead of using council cars. Put solar panels on every available roof space that you own. Introduce a sustainability program within your offices to not use any plastic or polystyrene cups. Use Australian made office paper only and recycle all of it. Discard you printer cartridges environmentally and out doors establish a recycling plant, plant more trees, establish public gardens to grow vegetables and use public space productively not just for pleasure. This is just the jist of it. Much more to be done.

  133. There is no time left to faff about. We have the science, and we are already seeing the effects of climate crisis. True leaders are needed now more than ever and we’re urging you as strongly and as sincerely as possible to lead, be a source of positive change and ongoing effect, and to not let this hugely important opportunity be wasted.

  134. Do you have children or grandchildren? If they are to have any hope of a decent future we must act now.

  135. I dream of being as sustainable as possible at home and at my business, although at the moment costs are still prohibitive.
    Council needs to be more supportive of Geelong based businesses.
    Better services should be our right not an extra cost.
    I believe we all need to work together. We need to find new and better ways to live.
    We all deserve to live in a clean and healthy environment, especially for our future generations.
    Please consider moving forward and Declare a Climate Emergency.

  136. The planet is dying and we are at the point where we can save it or let it die and never return it to the way it once was. We need your support in climate action by declaring a climate emergency so the people of geelong know how serious you are and the world is about climate change and the planet. Please do what is right. This is the first step.

  137. Dear Councillors,

    Please place this issue at the top of your agenda and become leaders, like the City of Melbourne, City of Sydney and City of Hobart, amongst many others.

    We can make change at a local level, because Federally things are going backwards.

    I have two small children and live in increasing fear for their future – we HAVE to act now, but there is only so much an individual can do (I’ve gone vegan, the rest of the family are vegetarian, we run our home on solar, we shop with our own containers at whole food stores/grow as much as we can etc etc) – we’re taking this seriously at a grassroots level – now its time that governments at all levels do the same. Please!



  138. Please declare a climate emergency as we need to act now to prevent our wonderful quality of life in Geelong being eroded.

  139. Fist of all, thank you for making this petition! myself and so many of my friends are terrified for our futures. We are the kids that will have to live with these consequences and watch our planet die. We cannot vote yet so it’s beautiful to finally hear our voices being recognised. The only other way we can be heard is at school strikes for climate change and not everyone can make that. Thank you, we will make a difference.

  140. The lives of future generations are under threat from climate change while presently we are too selfish to make a real difference in order to do something about it. I call on the Geelong Council to start by taking responsibility for an efficient recycling service in the present crisis and from then on, to take decisions in favour of the environment and future generations rather than profits.

  141. Dear Councillors, Do the right thing, take immediate action and declare a climate emergency. I am only young, my life has barely begun and I want a future that is worth while looking forward too. You have been chosen to listen to the members of your community so please listen and declare a climate emergency!

  142. Dear Councillors, I implore you to take action to make our community more sustainable. We urgently need to decarbonise, reduce landfill, and recycle.

  143. Please act now as the planet is reaching the tipping point for disaster and strong leadership is required

  144. Act now tell the Federal Liberal Government it’s real it s happening we should implement a plan now biodiversity is suffering what type world do they want there children and grandchildren to have we one they have stuffed due to there in action Act now at federal ,state and local government level before we leave future Australians with a country of conflict due to in action by people we elected to care for the future.

  145. PLEASE lead the community response to acting on mitigation strategies to respond to the accelerating climate emergency… declare the emergency now, we are all behind you.

  146. Please create a plan to step climate change, it is an emergency and it will get worse if we don’t start now.

  147. We cannot waste any more valuable time debating on this issue. We have 10 years or less to take drastic action to draw back carbon from the atmosphere and transition to renewable energy. It’s a Climate Emergency and we must Act Now!

  148. I grew up in Geelong and currently live in Melbourne. I visit many times and plan to retire in or near Geelong.
    I am science trained and believe action on climate change is critical and required immediately.
    Please make a stand as a Council and help to put pressure on our recalcitrant and ignorant Federal Government to actually take some real action rather than the pretend actions that rely on false accounting to justify their inaction.
    Our children and grandchildren depend up action now.

  149. Now is the time to make changes for our children, grandchildren, great grandchildren otherwise there will be no chance for any future generations.

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